Dean's Message

It gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the College of Engineering and Physics.  Over about fifty years since its establishment, this College has stood out in a unique position among other institutions as a result of the consistent and concerted effort of its faculty, staff and students.

At KFUPM and the College, the dynamic spirit of collaboration, dedication, inquisitiveness and innovation is the key to our success.  They are at the heart of the distinct institutional philosophy that we instill in our students, faculty, and staff.  This strong character drives us to seek excellence in all things we do.

Aligned with those of KFUPM, we have recently set the strategic directions of the College which included:

  • Maintaining our excellence and leadership, both in undergraduate and graduate engineering education, while overcoming the challenges in a rapidly changing world.
  • Inspiring the next generation of graduates to become creative catalysts of change, responsible citizens, and the leaders of tomorrow.
  • Enriching the learning experience of our students by participating in industry-sponsored projects, field visits, exchange programs, and research activities.
  • Conducting innovative research of high relevance and impact.
  • Collaborating with our partners from industry and other top notch engineering institutions worldwide.
  • Developing mutual interaction between faculty in the various disciplines.
  • Engaging in outreach activities that are valuable to the community and enriching to us.
  • Sustaining and institutionalizing the continuous assessment of our programs and accreditation process by ABET.
  • Adopting new initiative, programs, trends for developing the College.

While we have the full confidence in our faculty, staff and students, we rely a lot on their relentless efforts and continuous support to follow these directions and transform them to reality.  At the same time, KFUPM has pledged its continuous support to the College of Engineering and Physics to grow, lead and be always one step ahead.
